We work with other reputable nonprofit and like-minded conservation organizations who share our commitments:

  • protecting African Wildlife
  • promoting habitat conservation and forest regeneration
  • providing health, education and assistance to the people who live in adjacent communities to alleviate pressure on wildlife and habitat
spotted dogs under tree

Some of our partners include:


Zimbabwe Parks & Wildlife Management Authority

zambezi society

The Zambezi Society

bushlife partner remembering wildlife logo

Remembering Wildlife

rettet die elefanten afrikas e.v. logo partner

Rettet Die Elefanten Afrikas

global links logo partners bushlife

Global Links

african wildlife foundation logo partner

African Wildlife Foundation


Global Conservation

zambezi elephant fund

Zambezi Valley Elephant Fund

bushlife partner zambezi valley logo

Zambezi Valley Conservation Network

african wildlife foundation logo partner

Project Ranger

1percent for the plant partnerrs

1% For the Planet

zambezi elephant fund

Great Plains Foundation